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Become a Voyageur Patron!

Becoming a Patron Donor is an important way to show support for Voyageur and its mission of preserving Wisconsin history. Past patron support has helped fund the growth of our professional staff, the printing of special editions like our Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Issue, increased marketing efforts and our general day-to-day operating costs. Patron Donor names are published in each issue of Voyageur, and each donation includes your one-year subscription to the magazine. Donations can be made for any dollar amount from $30 on up. Contributions to the nonprofit Voyageur are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Voyageur is a 501(c)(3) organization


Our Current Patrons

Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.
Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.
Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.
Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.
Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.
Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.
Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.
Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.
Joe Smith
Susie Something
Tom Johnson C.P.A.



How ToDonate

Call: (920) 465-2446 to donate over the phone.

Mail: Complete the patron donor form and mail it to
            Voyageur, P.O. Box 1411, Green Bay, WI 54305

Online: Complete the online form below.

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